Legal Latin Phrases
Starting with phrase number 51

  1. Ad libitum - At will (Legal Term abbreviated as ad lib.)
  2. Ad litem - For the suit (Legal term - "guardian ad litem" refers to a party appointed by a court to represent the interests of another)
  3. Ad probationem - To probe (Legal term - evidence used as proof)
  4. Ad quem - To which (Legal term - e.g. Terminus ad quen Limit to which - compare with post quem - after which)
  5. Ad referendum - To reference (Legal term and also Diplomatic term - Indicates that although the main points has been agreed to, there are still details to be worked out later)
  6. Ad solemnitatem - To solemnity (Legal term - Seriousness required to validate the act)
  7. Ad usum - To usage (Legal term - According to custom)
  8. Ad verecundiam - To the venerability (Legal and philosophical term used in logic to describe a Argumentum ad hominem fallacy, where an argument is accepted due to the respect (venerability) of the person asserting it, instead of the facts - Also known as argument to respect or argument to prestige)
  9. Addictio bonorum libertatum servandorum causa - Property exchanged to gain freedom (Legal term - When a master died, the slaves could obtain the property with the condition that they pay all the creditors)
  10. Adhuc sub iudice lis est - The dispute is still before the judge (Horace - Legal term - Ars poetica)
  11. Aditio a die - Adition to date (Legal term - Condition in which the buyer accepts termination of the sale, if the seller finds a better offer within the deadline stated in the contract)
  12. Aditio haereditatis - Addition of inheritance (Legal term)
  13. Aditio in diem - Adition to date (Legal term - Condition in which the buyer accepts termination of the sale, if the seller finds a better offer within the deadline stated in the contract)
  14. Admissio proter non usum - Admission by lack of use (Legal term - voluntary servitude is ended by non-use)
  15. Adoptio naturam imitatur - Adoption imitates nature (Legal term)
  16. Advocati non ultra quam litium poscit utilitas in licentiam conviciandit et malidicendi temeritati prorrumpant - Lawyers should not employ reckless insults and curses, not having to do with the utility of the Process (Legal term)
  17. Advocatorum error litigatoribus non noceat - An error by the defenders can not harm litigants (Legal term - Codex Iustiniani 2.9.3)
  18. Aediles plebei - Custodian of the people (In ancient Rome, auxiliary officers in charge of minor legal issues)
  19. Aequitas sequitur legem - Equity follows the law (Legal term)
  20. Aequo animo - With a calm mind (Legal term)
  21. Aestimatio delicti praeteriti ex post facto non crescit - The evaluation of a past crime does not increase by a subsequent event (Legal term)
  22. Affectio societatis - Intention to form a society (Legal term)
  23. Affidavit - Gave faith (Legal term - A sworn written statement)
  24. Alibi - In another place (Legal term - In legal parlance is used to designate the excuse, namely that a person has not been at the crime scene)
  25. Alieni iuris - Alian right (Legal Term - A person (e.g. a minor) who is legally dependent on another. Compare with sui iuris)

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