Legal Latin Phrases
Starting with phrase number 440

  1. Mora creditoris - Noncompliance attributable to the creditor (Legal term)
  2. More maiorum - According to the custom of the ancestors (Legal term)
  3. Mores maiorum consuetudo - The custom of the ancestors (Legal term about the source of formal Roman law)
  4. Mores sunt tacitus consensus populi longa consuetudine inveteratus - The customs are tacit agreements made by the consensus of the people over a long interval - (Legal term Domitius Ulpianus)
  5. Mortis Causa - Cause of the Death (Legal term)
  6. Mos maiorum ut lex valet - The customs of the ancestors have the force of law (Legal term)
  7. Motu proprio - By his own will (Legal term - No one told the accused what to do)
  8. Mutatis mutandis - With the necessary changes (Legal term - This term applies to something that is simply comparative, used to give an example. When applying the law, just "change what you need to be changed")
  9. Nam cum iudicatur rem meam esse, simul iudicatur illius non esse - When it is judged that the object is mine, it is judged that it belongs to nobody else (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - Digest 3,3,40,2)
  10. Nam si violandum est ius, regnandi gratia Violandum est: allis rebus pietaten colas - If there is a right to violate, violate everything to reign, but respect everything else (Legal term)
  11. Nam, ut eleganter Celsus definit, ius est ars boni et aequi - As Celsus elegantly defined it, the law is the art of good and fair (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - The phrase "Ius est ars boni et Aequi" belongs to Celsus’s son - Ulpianus Digest Domitius collected 1,1,1)
  12. Naturalis Ratio - Natural Reason (Legal term)
  13. Ne procedat iudex ex officio - Judges shall not proceed on their own. (Legal term)
  14. Ne quis iudex in propria causa - No one is a judge in their own case (Legal term - no one is impartial, when it comes to judge himself)
  15. Necessitas non habet legem - The need has no law (Legal term)
  16. Negotiorum gestio - Business management (Legal term)
  17. Neminem laedere - Do not harm (Legal term - General principle of law, any harm requires remedy)
  18. Nemo alieno nomine lege agere potest - No one outside (the cause) may act on behalf of the law (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - Digest 50,17,123 - )
  19. Nemo auditur propiam turpitudinem alegans - No one should be heard because of his clumsiness (Legal term - No one should argue his own case, because of his clumsiness)
  20. Nemo damnetur sine legale iudicio - No person shall be convicted without a trial (Legal term - the principle of legal right to a trial.)
  21. Nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest - No one may be judge in its own cause (Legal term)
  22. Nemo gratis mendax - No one is a liar for free (Legal Term that states that a person with no reason to lie is telling the truth - It also means that if someone lies, (s)he is getting something on return for it)
  23. Nemo haeres invictus est - Nobody is against the will of the heir (Legal term)
  24. Nemo inauditus condemnetur - Not to condemn anyone, without being heard (Legal term - You can not deprive anyone of the right to speak and be heard and listened)
  25. Nemo invitus rem cogitur defendere - Nobody is obliged to defend the thing (Legal term, referring to the object of their interest - 50,17,1,56 Digest)

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