Legal Latin Phrases
Starting with phrase number 380

  1. Ius soli (solis) - Right of the land (Legal term - It is used in international law to indicate that foreign law is a territorial right - Nationality resulting from the birthplace)
  2. Ius sufragii - Right to vote (Legal term)
  3. Ius trium liberorum - Right to three children (Legal term - Privilege given to Roman citizens who had at least three children )
  4. Ius utendi, et fruendi, et abutendi res sua - Right to use, enjoy the fruits and dispose of these things (Legal term - ius utendi - allowing the owner to the use of the thing; ius fruendi gave the right to collect fruits, natural or civil; ius abutendi conferred the power to dispose of the thing, consume, sell or use it in an undemocratic way, some authors add a fourth element “ius vindicando” would have entitled the owner to claim the thing from the third owners or holders)
  5. Ius variandi - Right to change (Legal term)
  6. Ius vitae et necci - Right of life and death (Legal term)
  7. Iusdem Generis - Of the same class (Legal term used to interpret statutes without written press, where a law lists the specific classes of persons or things and then refers to them in general, the general statements only apply to the same class of persons or things specifically listed. Example: if a law covers cars, trucks, tractors, motorcycles and other motor-driven vehicles, "vehicles" would not include airplanes, since the list was of land transport)
  8. Iusiurandum – the law, this (Legal term)
  9. Iustae Nuptiae - Just married (Legal marriage)
  10. Iustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas ius suum cuique tribuendi - Justice is the constant and perpetual will to give each his right (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus)
  11. Iustitia est habitus animi, communi utilitate conservata, suam quique tribuens dignitatem - Justice is the habit of spirit for a common good, which gives each one's dignity (Legal term - Cicero - De Inventone 2, 53, 16)
  12. Iustitia nemini neganda est - Justice is to be denied to no one (Legal term)
  13. Iustitia praecipit suum cuique reddere - Justice hastens the return to each his own (Legal term - Cicero, De Republica.3,15,24 - )
  14. Lege Silente - Silent law (Legal term )
  15. Legis Actio Per Condictionem - Legal action, due to insanity (Legal term)
  16. Legis Actio Per Iudici Arbitri Postulationem - Legal action at the request of the judge or arbitrator (Legal term)
  17. Legis Actio Per Manus Iniectionem - Legal action by the laying on of a hand (Legal term - Action focused on the person, not his property )
  18. Legis Actio Per Pignores Capionem - (Legal action by seizing property)
  19. Legis Actio Per Sacramentum - Legal action by Sacrament (Legal action - Executive process)
  20. Legitimatio ad causam - Legitimacy by cause (Legal term – A link must exist between the owner of the action and who exercises it)
  21. Lex Aquilia - Aquilian Law (Legal term - Roman law proposed by Galius Aquilius - It is a plebiscite that imposes compensation when someone causes damage to property)
  22. Lex artis - Art Law (Legal term which refers to knowledge of the profession is exercised)
  23. Lex domicilii - Home Law (Legal term)
  24. Lex dubia, Lex nulla - Doubtful law, Null law(Legal term)
  25. Lex duodecim tabularum - Act of the twelve tables (Legal term - code which was enacted as a result of the quarrels between patricians and plebeians)

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