Legal Latin Phrases
Starting with phrase number 321

  1. Inde datae leges, ne fortior omnia posset - The laws were made lest the stronger should be all powerful (Legal term - Ovid, Fasti III, 279)
  2. Instrumentum vocale - A tool that speaks (Legal term - Refers to slave who did not have an rights)
  3. Inter partes - Among the parties involved (Legal term)
  4. Interposita persona - An intermediary (Legal term - Sometimes refers to a front man used to disguise an unlawful transaction )
  5. Interpretatio largo sensu - Interpreted in general (Legal term - as opposed to strictu sensu)
  6. Interpretatio stricto sensu - Interpreted strictly (Legal term - as opposed to largo sensu)
  7. Intuitu pecuniae - In response to money (Legal term)
  8. Intuitu personae - In consideration of the person (Legal term)
  9. Inveterata consuetudo et opinio iuris seu necessitatis - Inveterate habit and the opinion or necessity of law (Legal term - Usually - Unwritten Laws and behavior that follows people constantly: conviction of those people that such behavior is mandatory)
  10. Invito domino - Against the will of the owner (Legal term)
  11. Invitus nemo rem cogitur defendere - Nobody will be forced to defend the object (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - Digest 50,17,156 - )
  12. Ipse dixit - He himself said it (Legal and philosophical term - Fallacy in which the only proof, are the words of who makes the assertion)
  13. Ipso facto - By that very fact (Legal term - Fact that has a Judicial consequence)
  14. Ipso iure - By law (Legal term - As opposed to facts Ipso facto)
  15. Iter criminis - Path of crime (Legal term)
  16. Iudex damnatur ubi nocens absolvitur - The judge is condemned when the guilty is acquitted (Legal Term - Publius Sirus)
  17. Iudicis est ius dicere, non dare - It is the judge's role to explain, not to make the law (Legal Term - Bracton's Latin puns on Iudicis, of the judge, and ius dicere, to speak the law, to make this phrase memorable)`
  18. Iura et munera - Rights and obligations (legal term)
  19. Iura Novit Curia - The court called the law (Legal term, often used to say that judges know the law and result)
  20. Iura private - Civil rights (Legal term)
  21. Iura publica - Political rights (Legal term)
  22. Iure divino - By divine right (Legal term - It is used especially when talking about the law that governs kings)
  23. Iure et facto - Law and facts (Legal term)
  24. Iure humano - For human laws (Legal term - that is, by law is at the essence of man)
  25. Iuris et de Iure - Of Law and From Law (Legal term - A Phrase employed to denote conclusive presumptions of law which cannot be rebutted by evidence - Thank you: Kofi)

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