Legal Latin Phrases
Starting with phrase number 205

  1. Debitor est - Is debtor (Legal term)
  2. Derectum - Direct (Legal term - Right and Direct)
  3. Dictum - It is said (Legal term - Document that explains a principle, proposition, or opinion)
  4. Dies a quo, dies ad quem - Initial day, final day (Legal term - In reference to to deadlines)
  5. Dies ad quem - Last day (Legal Term - Day on which the period expires)
  6. Dispositio a non domino - Disposition from the non-owner (Legal term - Disposition of property granted by a party who has no title)
  7. Divulgatio legis - Spreading of the law (Legal term)
  8. Dolo malo non videtur habere qui suo iure utitur - The one who exercises his right does not have bad intentions (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - Digest 43,29,3,2)
  9. Donatio inter vivos - A donation among the living (Legal term - A gift)
  10. Donatio mortis causa - A donation due to death (Legal term - inheritance)
  11. Donec aliter provideatur - Until something else is provided (Legal term)
  12. Dura lex, sed lex - The law is hard, but it is the law (Legal term)
  13. Durum est, sed ita lex scripta est - It is hard, but that is how the law is written (Legal Term)
  14. Eadem causa pretendi - The case alleges (Legal term)
  15. Eadem conditio personarum - The condition of the people (Legal Term)
  16. Edict - Edict (Legal Term - Formal Opinion delivered by an authority)
  17. Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat - The burden of proof rests on who asserts, not on who denies (Legal term - Julius Paulus Digest 22,3,2)
  18. Emptio venditio - Contract of sale (Legal term)
  19. Epistola excusatoria - A letter of excuse (Legal term)
  20. Erga omnes - In front of all (Legal term)
  21. Error communis facit ius - The law creates a common mistake. (Legal term)
  22. Error in iudicando - Judicial Error (Legal term)
  23. Error in procedendo - Error in the proceedings (Legal term)
  24. Et iudicem quis iudicavit? - And the judge, who will judge him? (Legal term - In an alleged miscarriage of justice)
  25. Ex aequo et bono - Just and good (Legal term)

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