Legal Latin Phrases
Starting with phrase number 171

  1. Cuius periculum est, et commodum eius esse debet - The one who took the risk, must also take the profit (Legal term)
  2. Culpa caret, qui scit, sed prohibere non potest - Is without fault, the one who knows how, but cannot prevent it (Legal term)
  3. Culpa in abstracto - Guilt in the abstract (Legal term)
  4. Culpa in concreto - Guilt in the specific (Legal term)
  5. Culpa in contrahendo - Liability before signing a contract (Legal Term - Thank you: Crescent )
  6. Culpa in eligendo - Negligence in choice (decision) (Legal Term - Compare Culpa in vigilando)
  7. Culpa in faciendo - Guilt by doing (Legal term)
  8. Culpa in omittendo - Guilt by omission (Legal term)
  9. Culpa in vigilando - Negligence in vigilance (Legal Term - Compare Culpa in eligendo)
  10. Culpa lata - Gross negligence (Legal Term - compare with Culpa Levis - Defined in Digest 50, 16, 213)
  11. Culpa levis - Slight negligence (Legal Term - compare with Culpa Lata)
  12. Culpa par odium exigit - The offense requires a proportional rejection (Legal term - Seneca)
  13. Culpa ubi maior est, ibi gravior debet esse poena - The greater the guilt, the more severe the punishment should be. (Legal term)
  14. Culpa ubi non est, nec poena esse debet - Where there is no guilt, there should be no punishment (Legal term)
  15. Culpa vacare maximum est solacium - To be relieved of guild is the greatest solace (Legal term)
  16. Cum finis est licitus etiam media sunt licita - When the end is legal, the means are legal (Legal and Philosophic term written in 1650 by the Jesuit priest Hermann Busenbaum 1600-1688 - Also known as "The end justifies the means")
  17. Cum hoc ergo propter hoc - With this, therefore because of this (Legal and philosophical term - A fallacy that confuses cause and effect)
  18. Curator ad litem - Guardian for the lawsuit (Legal term - a person assigned by the cour to represent a minor)
  19. Da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius - Give me the facts, and I will give you justice (Legal term)
  20. Damnum absque iniuria - Damage without injury (Legal term)
  21. Damnum non facit qui iure suo uttitur - Harms no one, the one who uses his legal rights (Legal Term)
  22. Datio in solutum - Giving in payment (Legal term - transfer of goods in lieu of payment)
  23. De auditu - By hearing (Legal term - e.g. testimonium de auditu)
  24. De bene esse - Of well being (Legal term - Conditionally, good enough)
  25. De cuius succesione agitur - The person who is succeeded (Legal term)

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