Latin quotes by Cicero
Starting with phrase number 101

  1. Quid dicam de thesauro rerum omnium memoria? - What shall I say of memory, repository of all knowledge? (Cicero - De senectute)
  2. Quid tandem te impedit? mosne maiorum? - What hinders you? the customs of the ancestors? (Cicero In Catilinam)
  3. Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra - Until when, Catiline, will you abuse our patience (Exordium of Cicero's first diatribe, where he complains to the Roman senate about Catiline conspiracy)
  4. Recta conscientia traversum unguem non oportet discedere - It is not advisable to move away from your conscience even the width of a fingernail (Cicero - Epistulae)
  5. Saepe ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit - Sometimes it's better not to know what will happen (Cicero)
  6. Salutem Dicit - Wishing health (Salutation used by Cicero, often abbreviated as s.d.)
  7. Sane homini praeter opinionem improviso incidi - Contrary to what is believed, I suddenly attacked a man (Cicero In Verrem)
  8. Semper idem - Always the same (Cicero)
  9. Sensim sine sensu aetas senescit - Insensibly, without feeling, life is aging. (Cicero - De Senectute)
  10. Silent enim leges inter arma - Laws are silent in times of war (Cicero)
  11. Sine amicitia, vita esse nullam - Life is nothing without friends (Cicero)
  12. Solem e mundo tollere videntur qui amicitiam e vita tollunt - It is like taking the sun from the world, the actions of those who to take friendship out of life (Cicero)
  13. Summum ius, summa iniuria - Maximum law, maximum injury (Cicero - Excess of law - It is better to have less laws, but fulfill them, but be careful. A law that is applied with excess and rigor can be unfair)
  14. Tabulas pingere - Paint tables (Cicero)
  15. Tanta vis est probitatis, ut eam vel in hoste diligamus - So great is the force of honesty, that we even appreciate it from an enemy (Cicero)
  16. Tibi gratias ago quod me omni molestia liberas - I thank you because you release me from all trouble (Cicero)
  17. Tot capita, tot sententiae - So many heads, so many opinions (Cicero)
  18. Trahimur omnes laudis studio - All of us are dragged by the desire of praise (Cicero)
  19. Tribunus me primum sententiam rogavit - The tribune asked my opinion first (Cicero)
  20. Universus hic mundus una civitas exsistimanda - The world at large has to be considered as one urban community (Philosophical Term - Cicero)
  21. Ut ne quid falsi, dicere audeat, ne quid veri non audeat - Let him not dare to utter anything that is false, nor let him dare to speak what is not true (Cicero - De Oratore)
  22. Ut sementem feceris, ita metes - You reap as you sow (Cicero)
  23. Variatio delectat - Change is delicious (Cicero)
  24. Vellem equidem idem possem gloriari quod Cyrus - I'd really like to boast about the same as Ciro (Cicero)
  25. Verae amicitiae difficillime reperiuntur in iis, qui in honoribus reque publica versantur; ubi enim istum invenias, qui honorem amici anteponat suo? - The authentic friendships can hardly be among those who are in public office and in politics; for where could you find someone who would prefer the political advancement of his friend to his own? (Cicero - De Amicitia, 64)

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