Latin quotes by Augustine
Starting with phrase number 26

  1. Nova sunt qui dicitis, mira sunt qui dicitis, falsa sunt qui dicitis - New are the things you say, wonderful are the things that you say, false are the things you say. (St. Augustine, to the the Manichees, in his "Confessions")
  2. Noverim me, noverim Te - Let me know myself, let me know You ( St. Augustine - The more that we know ourselves, the more that we would know God who made us for Himself - Thank you: Fr. Anthony P. Irineo, OAR )
  3. Nulla potestas nisi a Deo - All power comes through God (Augustine, who tried to legitimize the power of the church through the divinity of God, explaining that both the kings and the church had their powers given by God)
  4. Ordinis San Agustinus - Order of Saint Augustine (Augustinians - Abbreviated as O.S.A.)
  5. Pondus meum amor meus; eo feror, quocumque feror - My weight is my love; by that i am drawn wherever i am carried (Philosophical term - Augustine)
  6. Quid ergo est tempus? Si nemo ex me quaerat, scio; Si quaerente explicare velim, nescio - What is time? If no one asks me, I know. But if I want to explain to someone who asks, then I do not know. (St. Augustine)
  7. Quocumque fugies deus te videbit - Anywhere you run away, God sees you (St. Augustine)
  8. Roma Locuta Est, Causa Finita Est - Rome has spoken, the case is closed (St Augustine declaring the authority of the Pope)
  9. Sero te amavi, pulchritudo tam antiqua et tam nova - Too late have I loved you, beauty so ancient and so new (St. Augustine - Alluding to his late conversion to Christianity)
  10. Si fallor sum - If I am wrong (St. Augustine)
  11. Si sapientia Deus est, verus philosophus est amator Dei - If wisdom is God, then the true philosopher is a lover of God (Philosophical Term - St. Augustine)
  12. Si vis amari ama - I you want to be loved, love (Ecclesiastical term - St. Augustine)
  13. Tolle, lege - Take and Read (The words that St. Augustine heard inside his head, which made him turn into the Bible)
  14. Verba inter homines obtinuerunt principatum significandi - Men express their thoughts and intentions primarily through words (St. Augustine)
  15. Virtus non est nisi diligere quod diligendum est - Virtue is nothing but loving what ought to be loved. (It is one of the sharpest definitions of christian ethics. It can be found in Augustine´s Epistle 155, c.13,)

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