Latin quotes by Saint Thomas Aquinas
Starting with phrase number 26

  1. Quod visum placet - That which pleases merely by being seen (Saint Thomas Aquinas)
  2. Sacramentum caritatis - The sacrament of charity (Ecclesiastical term - Definition of the Mass by St. Thomas Aquinas)
  3. Secundum modum suae perfectionis - According to the measure its perfection (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  4. Sicut bonum creatum est quaedam similitudo et participatio boni increati, ita adeptio boni creati est quaedam similitudinaria beatitudo - As well created has a certain similarity to the well uncreated, so the achievement of the well created is a certain happiness of this likeness (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  5. Sicut enim maius est illuminare quam lucere solum, ita maius est contemplata aliis tradere quam solum contemplari - The same way that it is better to illuminate something, than just reflect it, so it is better convey to others what you have seen, than just contemplate it (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  6. Signum rei sacrae in quantum est sanctificans homines - The sign of something sacred in that it sanctifies man (Definition of "sacrament" by St. Thomas Aquinas)
  7. Substantia individuatur per seipsam - Primordial substance, individualized by being what it is (Definition of "individual", according to the general doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas)
  8. Sustinere est difficilius quam aggredi - To endure is harder than to attack (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  9. Tantum ergo sacramentum veneremus cernui - So great sacrament, lets worship it in truth (St. Thomas Aquinas - Part of the hymn "Pange Lingua")
  10. Timeo hominem unius libri - I fear the man of one only book (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  11. Ubi amor, ibi oculus - Where there is love, there is sight (St. Thomas Aquinas - Commentary on the Sentences 3 d. 35, I, 21. - True love is not blind)
  12. Ultima hominis felicitas est in contemplatione veritatis - The greatest happiness of man is found in the contemplation of truth (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  13. Unde per caritatem homo in Deo ponitur et cum eo unum efficitur - Wherefore by charity man abides in God and becomes one with him (Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica)
  14. Utrum amor sit idem quod dilectio - If love is the same as dilection (Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica)
  15. Utrum amor sit passio - If love is a passion (Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica)
  16. Utrum beatitudo Deo competat - Happiness lies with God? (Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica)
  17. Utrum Deus dicatur beatus secundum intellectum - Is the beatitude of God his understanding? (Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica)
  18. Utrum Deus possit facere quae non facit - Can God do what he does? (Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica)
  19. Utrum Deus possit facere quod praeterita non fuerint - Can God make things past not to have existed? (Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica)
  20. Utrum Deus possit meliora facere ea quae facit - Can God make better the things he does? (Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica)
  21. Utrum Deus sit beatitudo cuiuslibet beati - Is God himself the happiness of each of the blessed? (Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica)
  22. Utrum Deus sit omnipotens - Is God Almighty? (Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica)
  23. Utrum in Dei beatitudine omnis beatitudo includatur - Does all bliss fall from God? (Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica)
  24. Utrum in Deo sit potentia - Is there power in God? (Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica)
  25. Utrum ordo caritatis remaneat in patria - Does this order of charity remain in the country? (Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica)

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