Ecclesiastical, Catholic, Religious Latin phrases Starting with phrase number 51
- Deus caritas est - God is love (First encyclical letter written by Pope Benedict XVI)
- Deus, lumen cordis mei et panis oris intus animae meae et virtus maritans mentem meamet sinum cogitationis meae - God, light of my heart and the bread of my mouth deep in soul and the strength that ties my mind and bosom of my thoughts (Ecclesiastical term - St. Augustine Confessionum liber I. Chapter XIII)
- Dies irae - Day of Wrath (Ecclesiastical term - Words beginning, and name a sequence that reads the requiems)
- Dives in misericordia - On the Mercy of God (Encyclical letter written by Pope John Paul II)
- Dominum et vivificantem - The Lord and Giver of Life (Encyclical letter written by Pope John Paul II)
- Dominus tecum - The Lord be with you (Ecclesiastical term)
- Dominus vobiscum - The Lord be with you (Ecclesiastical term)
- Domus dei, porta caeli - The house of God is the door to heaven (Ecclesiastical term)
- Ecce lignum crucis, in quo salus mundi pependit - This is the wood of the cross on which hung the Saviour of the world (Ecclesiastical term)
- Ego sum Pastor bonus - I am the good shepherd (Ecclesiastical term)
- Ego te absolvo - I absolve (Ecclesiastical term)
- Eius in obitu nostro prae muniamur - So His presence protect us at the time of death (Ecclesiastical term - Initials on the back of the Cross of San Benito Abad - Abbreviated as EIONPM)
- Episcopus in partibus - Bishop in part (Ecclesiastical term - Titular Bishop who does not have jurisdiction)
- Epphetha, epphetha - Open yourself, open yourself (Ecclesiastical term - It is an Aramaic word meaning open yourself, which was spoken by Jesus to heal a deaf priest - Vulgate, Mark 7, 34)
- Eritis sicut dii - You shall be as gods (Ecclesiastical term - Words that the serpent directs to Eve in paradise, to invite her to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil - Vulgate - Genesis 3,5 )
- Et cum spiritu tuo - And with your spirit (Ecclesiastical term - Thank you: Hans-Joachim Baumann )
- Evangelium vitae - The Gospel of Life (Encyclical letter written by pope John Paul II)
- Ex opere operato - By virtue the work performed (Ecclesiastical term referring to the sacraments)
- Exurge, Domine - Get up, Lord (Ecclesiastical term)
- Ferendae sententiae - Sentence to be made (Ecclesiastical term)
- Fides et ratio - Faith and reason (Encyclical letter written by pope John Paul II)
- Filius Dei - Son of God (Ecclesiastical term)
- Genuflectant omnes in plano - All kneel at the same level (Ecclesiastical term)
- Gloria in excelsis Deo - Glory to God in heaven (Ecclesiastical term)
- Gloria Patri - Glory to the Father (Ecclesiastical term)
Total: 187