Diplomatic Latin Phrases
- Ad hominem - To the man (Diplomatic and Legal term - Attack against the man instead of the facts. An “argument ad hominem” tries to discredit the man, instead of his arguments)
- Ad referendum - To reference (Legal term and also Diplomatic term - Indicates that although the main points has been agreed to, there are still details to be worked out later)
- Argumentum ad populum - Argument to the people (Diplomatic term - Also philosophical term that refers to the fallacy to base the decision based on popularity instead of the premises)
- Casus belli - Cause of war (Diplomatic term - Reason to start a war)
- Casus federis - Federal Case (Diplomatic term)
- Casus Foederis - Reason for the alliance (Diplomatic term)
- Deo vindice - God our defender - God, our avenger. (Diplomatic term - is the motto of the Confederacy )
- Etsi Deus non daretur - As if God did not exist (His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, Address to the Diplomatic Corps)
- Ex notitia victory - To know, to win (Diplomatic Term - CESID Motto (Center for Defense Information) Spanish intelligence services)
- Facio ut facias - I do for you, you do for me (Diplomatic term - You scratch my back, I will scratch yours)
- In statu quo ante - The way things were before (Diplomatic term compare with status quo)
- Incerto exitu victoriae - Of uncertain victory (Diplomatic term)
- Ius ad bellum - Right to war, Just war (Legal and Diplomatic term - refers to the branch of law that defines the legitimate reasons that a State has to go to war and focuses on certain criteria for a just war)
- Ius in bello - Law of War (Diplomatic term)
- Licentia loquendi - Freedom to speak (Diplomatic Term - permission or licenses to talk)
- Lingua Franca - Common language (Diplomatic Term)
- Manu militari - With a military hand (Diplomatic Term - Using weapons instead of agreements, alliances or dialogue)
- Maremagnum - Big stormy sea, (Diplomatic Term - Refers to any issue that is complicated, tangled, confusing or that involves many people to assess it)
- Numisma Documentum Veritatis - Currency, true document (Diplomatic Term - In ancient times this term is used to give validity to the coin)
- Pax - Peace (Diplomatic term - period of peace and international stability under the influence of a military power)
- Persona non grata - Undesirable person (Diplomatic term)
- Pro forma - For the sake of form (Diplomatic term - Done only as a formality)
- Rebus sic stantibus - Being the way things are (Legal and diplomatic term that refers to the circumstances)
- Sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas - Use what's yours without harming others (Legal and diplomatic term - Used in international law to specify that countries are free to use their own natural resources, as long as they do not compromise the resources of neighboring countries)
- Status Quo - State of affairs (Diplomatic term)
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