Legal Latin Phrases
Starting with phrase number 301

  1. In dubio pro debitoris - In doubt, favor the debtor (Legal term)
  2. In dubio pro operario - In doubt, favor the worker (Legal term)
  3. In dubio pro possesore - In doubt, favor the possessor (Legal term - Possession is nine tenths of the law)
  4. In dubio pro reo - In doubt, favor the convicted (Legal term)
  5. In dubio reus est absolvendus - If in doubt, you must acquit (Legal term)
  6. In dubio semper id, quod minus est, debetur - In doubt, it is always owed whatever is less (Legal term)
  7. In eligendo - (Legal term for the responsibility to choose the means and people to carry out a task )
  8. In extremis - In the extreme (Legal Term - At the point of death, or in extreme circumstances - Medical Term - patient who is in critical condition, about to die)
  9. In flagranti delicto - [Caught] in the act of the offence (Legal term - Caught with the hands in the cookie jar)
  10. In fraganti - In the act (Legal term - At the moment of committing the crime)
  11. In integrum - Integral (Legal term)
  12. In itinere - During the journey (Legal term - Something that happens during the fact)
  13. In ius vocatio - Call for justice (Legal term)
  14. In limine litis - At the beginning of the process Legal term)
  15. In loco parentis - In lieu of parents (Legal Term - often used in Family Court to assign parental responsibilities often on non-biological parental substitutes/parties - Thank you: crj)
  16. In mediu virtuas - The truth is in the middle (Legal term - neither party is right)
  17. In solidum - Solid, total (Legal term)
  18. In solutum - In soluble, in payment (Legal term )
  19. In vigilando - In vigilance (Legal term - Obligation to supervise the work of others)
  20. In voce - In voice (Legal term - verbal, not written)
  21. Inde datae leges, ne fortior omnia posset - The laws were made lest the stronger should be all powerful (Legal term - Ovid, Fasti III, 279)
  22. Instrumentum vocale - A tool that speaks (Legal term - Refers to slave who did not have an rights)
  23. Inter partes - Among the parties involved (Legal term)
  24. Interposita persona - An intermediary (Legal term - Sometimes refers to a front man used to disguise an unlawful transaction )
  25. Interpretatio largo sensu - Interpreted in general (Legal term - as opposed to strictu sensu)

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